The Home Of Hamilton HipHop
905 Fest – a free outdoor event that calls itself the ‘home of Hamilton hip-hop’ – brings all sorts of live music, vendors, food, games, and so much more to the Hammer since 2019 . The festival is free for the community to attend. We collecting donations of non-perishable goods in support of Living Rock Youth Resources, a valued Hamilton organization, benefitting at-risk youth.
905 Fest will be bringing the fun to Bayfront Park again this year.
905 Fest – Bayfront Park
The History
905 Fest is the brainchild of local Hamilton Hip-Hop artist & event organizer Kevin “Ktriggs” Williamson. Growing up in Hamiltons north end, Kevin utilized his impoverished upbringing to create an event centred around supporting music, arts, & community awareness. 905 FEST has taken place four times since its inception, with the first three being held at Woodlands Park in Barton Villlage. in 2023 the city of Hamilton gave us the oppourtunity to relocate to Bayfront Park. The festival features, music, vendors, food, & games but most importantly the cause is to raise awareness for at-risk youth in the community. Ktriggs through his label Freedom Of Speech Entertainment continues to grow the fest each year by spreading the message of positivity, inclusivity and community over competition to the city.
905 FEST 2023
905 FEst 2022